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Covid-19 Response

Covid has been challenging, but there are some silver linings:  we have learned how to deliver care more safely by screening, testing, tracing, vaccinating, distancing, masking, triaging, and disinfecting.   Telemedicine has become commonplace, and for a field like dermatology, it is especially useful.  We have leveraged technology to make communication between patient, doctor, and staff more efficient, and to facilitate collaboration with other healthcare providers.  We have pivoted and adapted and become more resourceful.  


We are taking every precaution to safeguard our employees and our patients from Covid. 


We distance and we mask

We handwash/sanitize before and after each patient encounter

We encourage staff safety outside the office

We meet every morning to discuss, adapt, and reinforce these measures as necessary



Our low-traffic building offers touchless entry and exit

We minimize use of the waiting room

We restrict office traffic to essential only

We disinfect surfaces after each patient encounter

We use air purifiers and regular ventilation (fortunately, we have windows!)



We offer virtual visits and online payment

We screen patients before entry

We require masks upon entry into the building and the office

We encourage patients to bring their own exam gowns

We streamline visits to reduce your time in office

We ask you, please:


1.  Consider postponing well visits if you are ill, or have been exposed to a communicable disease

2.  Cancel your visit if you are feverish, have lost your sense of smell/taste, have had recent high-risk travel, have tested positive to Covid-19 (or are awaiting test results), have been exposed to Covid-19, or have been instructed to quarantine.

3.  Come to our office alone unless you need a chaperone.

4.  Bring only the bare essentials with you to your visit.  Avoid wearing makeup, nail polish, jewelry, and accessories.

5.  Wear a face mask in the building when Covid rates are high.  Use hand sanitizer when you enter our office, and as you leave.

6.  Allow us to take your temperature and screen you upon your arrival with a no-contact thermometer when necessary.

7.  Consider bringing your own cover-up or robe.

8.  Limit yourself to essential discussions with Dr. Goldwasser and her staff to minimize your time in the office.


Risk factors for serious infection include:  advanced age, obesity, diabetes, hypertension, cancer, immunosuppression, some pulmonary disease, and cardiovascular disease.  If you have one or more risk factors, please call us so that we can advise you on your dermatologic care.


Recommended precautions for all:

 1.  Physical distancing (at least 6 feet) and avoidance of non-essential touching (eg. hugging, handshaking)

 2.  Frequent thorough hand-washing or sanitization

 3.  Wearing a face mask in public when Covid rates are high

 4.  Maintenance of healthful diet, outdoor exercise/walking, hydration, and sleep habits

 5.  Avoidance of toxins like tobacco and alcohol

 6.  Avoidance of public buildings/stores, especially during high-traffic hours

 7.  Disinfection/cleaning of frequently touched surfaces with detergents or sanitizing agents

 8.  Self-isolation if you or someone in your household becomes ill or exposed to Covid-19

 9.  Use of virtual medical care when advisable

10. Vaccination/booster as soon as you are eligible


Thank you for cooperating with us in these infection control measures, for the sake of our patients, our workers, and the community at large.  Let's meet the challenges together to ensure your responsible, uncompromised dermatologic care.





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